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    Health ebooks
    Virus Outbreak Survival - Surviving The 2020 Coronavirus Outbreak
    Learn How You Can Survive The 2020 Covid-19 Coronavirus Outbreak.
    Packed full of researched data, this guide helps you cut through the piles of misinformation and help you understand the risks and how best to protect yourself and your family in this trying time. As part of this package you also gain access to our constantly updated members area. This members area has 100's of hours of videos, outbreak time lines, news articles, updated statistics, self help guides and so much more.

    The Billion Dollar Hoax
    My Ebook exposes the truth about traditional vitamin supplements that are in pill, tablet, and colloidal form and blows the lid off of what the "Big" pharmaceutical companies are actually putting into their products.

    Virus Pandemic Preparedness Guide
    Our Pandemic Survival Guide will teach you:
    • Food: How to find, store and cook
    • Water: We will help you find, purify and store it
    • Health: Tips on how to stay healthly and avoid infection
    • Energy: How to reduce usage, store and harness natural resources

    Advertise your ebook here

    Acne Remedies Guide
    We have created a complete holistic system that we call the "Acne Remedies Guide". It was compiled with input from a team of health professionals including a nutritionist, practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine and a skin care consultant. Its fantastic for the people looking for a permanent and natural acne cure. We have been acne free for almost a decade after virtually stumbling upon a collection of holistic natural acne treatments. I am sure you will love it.

    How To Avoid Diabetes   (right click and "save target as")
    Author: Anton Winkler
    Don't become a member of the terrible diabetes club. Begin to make better choices today. Learn all about Glycemic and insulin. Know the danger of your bad eating habits. Learn everything you need to know to live a healthier life. How to stay free from diabetes.

    Autism: Everything Parents and Caregivers Should Know About the Disorder
    Setting the record straight; a comprehensive guide about autism that can help parents and caregivers avoid a fruitless and frustrating journey when raising an autistic child. Finally, the Myths and Misconceptions Behind Autism Are Put to Rest!
    Discover the Latest Research-Proven Treatments (Natural & Medical) That Can Improve the Quality of Your Autistic Child’s Life.

    Death of Bulking eBook
    This ebook by Vince Del Monte and Lee Hayward talks about the Anabolic Amplifier Effect! The most exciting leap forward in bodybuilding nutrition. Lee has already written an amazing report that will rock your bodybuilding world. Get ready to discover a way to flood your body with a natural, powerful “hormone cocktail” that produces substantial and rapid increases in muscle mass. Real insulin, testosterone, insulin-like-growth factor-1 (IGF-1), etc. The hormones that pack on mass like nothing else in the world!

    Heal & Integrate Shadow Workbook: Trauma Toolkit
    By Ashley Poole
    It is an all in one book, workbook, journal,coloring book and planner centered around healing inner child wounds and old pain or trauma.

    How To Survive the Paleo Diet: Beginner Paleo Diet Recipes for Weight Loss and Healthy Living
    Inside this book you will learn why this diet is one of the oldest and most successful diets worldwide. You will have all the information you need to start the diet and find out how easy it is to stay on it with the quick start tips and meal planning chart. The book provides easy, healthy nutritious recipes at your fingertips. The Paleo Diet provides many amazing health benefits including improving overall health, digestion, reduction of allergies, increase in energy, quality of sleep and better skin and nails in addition to weight loss With Lynn’s personal collection of recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and side dishes you are bound to find the perfect recipes for your meals.

    The Ultimate Beauty Guide - Head to Toe Homemade Beauty Tips and Treatments for Your Body, Mind and Spirit
    Adi’s 21-years’ experience and knowledge as a professional beautician, makeup artist and life coach is realized in this insightful and empowering book which, guides the reader on how to uncover their existing natural beauty.
    This a uniquely different beauty book exposes the tools and techniques used for enhancing women’s beauty stored within their body, mind and spirit. The book focuses on achieving results targeting 18 different areas from head to toe including: natural skin radiance, reduction in signs of aging and professional makeup tips coupled with achieving soft, silky and shiny hair. Additionally, it offers ideas on fudging flaws, beauty and skincare recipes and naturals ways of battling acne. Plus how to achieve beautiful hand and feet treatments, message oils and techniques, along with the secrets of healthy smile combined with simple rules for attaining and sustaining a beautiful body. Finally, the generation of self-motivation to embrace an active lifestyle, optimum nutritional requirement as well as the benefits of 79-herbs, eliminating weight loss, stress and anxiety from your life. One of the significant aspects this book explains relates to self-esteem and how it can be improved by looking and feeling good.
    P.S. You're just seconds away from learning the insider beauty secrets and tips to looking and feeling younger, healthier and sexier than ever! Find out why (and how!) some women have "it" and how you can too. Everything you need, hundreds of head to toe homemade beauty tips, recipes and treatments for your body, mind and spirit are revealed in "The Ultimate Beauty Guide" eBook. Get your copy NOW!

    Permanent Cosmetic Make-up Treatments by Mary Spence
    Permanent cosmetic make-up treatments are gaining global popularity. Mary Spence of Million Dollar Brows in Scotland has written this ebook highlighting the various treatments and procedures now available to the general public. These PMU treatments use to be a privilege of the rich elite who could afford costly cosmetic services. Now anyone can have professional medical and vanity permanent cosmetic make-up, everything from permanent eyebrows to scar tissue camouflage. The book has full colour illustrations and explanations of all the cosmetic treatments carried out by top PMU technicians like Mary Spence.

    Natural Fertility - Maximizing Fertility (Your Custom Blueprint For Natural Fertility Book 4)
    Desperately wanting to be parents often tricks couples into spending more money than they can actually afford on procedures that do not always work, leading to increased debt and ultimately less money available to provide proper care for their future children. Why put you and your partner through that when conceiving naturally can be an option? All this stress can actually contribute to your struggles with infertility, making it more difficult to conceive by any method. Relax and enjoy this last informative volume in the four-part series Your Custom Blueprint For Natural Fertility™ to complete your mind-body connection and relieve stress in order to conquer infertility.

    Natural Fertility - Hormone Balancing 101 (Your Custom Blueprint For Natural Fertility Book 3)
    You and your partner are doing everything you can to start a family but seem to have trouble conceiving naturally. The common culprit? Hormonal imbalance. This volume explores conditions caused by hormonal imbalance and how they contribute to the struggles of natural conception and offers natural ways to go about balancing your hormone levels in order to help you continue to form your own plan of attack for the battle against infertility. Coupled closely with the second volume on nutrition, this third volume of the four-part series Your Custom Blueprint For Natural Fertility™ helps tackle the struggle of hormonal imbalance by providing natural approaches, including various exercise techniques and herbs that help improve your probability of conceiving naturally.

    Natural Fertility - Hormone Balancing Nutrition (Your Custom Blueprint For Natural Fertility Book 2)
    If you are struggling with conceiving naturally, consider changing your diet. Doing so can help you improve your chances of conceiving naturally in the healthiest way possible. A healthy body is essential for the conception process as well as creating and maintaining a safe environment in which the fetus can grow until your baby is ready to be born. This second volume of the four-part series Your Custom Blueprint For Natural Fertility™ contains everything you need to know about how to improve your nutrition in order to help balance your hormones to ensure that safe environment for conception and growth.

    Natural Fertility - Mindset (Your Custom Blueprint For Natural Fertility Book 1)
    You and your partner crave the gift of life, of ten little fingers and ten little toes. You have been trying to conceive for years but find yourself struggling with fertility issues. Consider bettering your lifestyle to achieve a more natural approach to conception. It is easy to slip into a state of depression and even suffer emotional strain in your relationship if you lose the proper mindset. This first volume in the four-part series Your Custom Blueprint For Natural Fertility™ will help you create your own plan to face those struggles and keep your and your partner’s minds on track for the battle against infertility. It also explains that shifting your focus to the health of your mind and body—learning to love and care for yourself properly—can play a large role in overcoming infertility. Learn to balance your mind using special breathing techniques, various types of meditation, and more in this volume.

    Powerful Body
    Have You Tried The Magic Weight Loss Pills But Still Can't Get The Body You Deserve? Master Body Builder Tom Venuto Will Reveal Step-By-Step, Scientifically Proven Ways For You To Burn Fat And Sculpt Your Sexy Body You Have Always Wanted!

    The best six pack ABS Work out.

    99 Anti Aging Miracles
    We all age, but don’t you want to age gracefully? We say that but the concept seems pretty much out of our hands or only plastic surgeons can handle it. We didn't just take the simple, natural measures we could have taken daily while we were still young. Only one third of how we age gracefully is determined by genetics. So grey hair, wrinkles, and especially disease don’t have to be a concern. That means that the other two thirds of what you do is up to you. Here you will find out some of the healthiest ways to approach these choices and learn how to age gracefully.

    Discover the Untold SECRETS of Hypnosis
    Join our FREE Course, by Bradley Thompson!
    How would YOU like to CHANGE your LIFE -- using the POWER of HYPNOSIS? Best-selling author Bradley Thompson has created a five-part hypnosis mini-course designed to show you EVERYTHING you need to know to take advantage of the world of hypnosis! Over five exciting days, you'll BLAST through the myths with Bradley... You'll learn what hypnosis REALLY is... You'll enjoy diving into a deep, relaxing trance state... You'll be shown how to hypnotize YOURSELF... And you'll be shown the TRICKS for making hypnosis work EVEN BETTER for you!

    Sudden Departure Syndrome
    Lives can be cut shockingly short at any given time, with grieving families and friends left behind. Every so often there are news stories about an event dramatically affecting lives and loved ones. Sudden Departure Syndrome provides you with the capacity to organize your life and affairs so that you and your family can live with ease and joy. Whether or not there are disasters would not be an issue because your stuff is in order and a pathway is already forged for those who might be left behind.

    Anabolic Amplifier Effect
    You’re about to discover how you can make the most insane muscle gains ever, simply by harnessing the “hidden anabolic power” that’s lying dormant inside your own body. In fact, this radical approach to building muscle has been a jealously guarded secret only known by competitive bodybuilders… Until Now! So make sure to read every word of this information packed report! And get ready to watch your body explode to the next level of muscular development.

    Powerful Sleep
    Sleep expert Kacper Postawski spills the beans in his fascinating new ebook "Powerful Sleep." While most people think sleep is just "sleep," it is actually a complex and fascinating system which you can OPTIMIZE in order to sleep less, and create an abundance of energy in your life. Deals with issues such as insonmia, jet lag and shift work. It's a must read for anyone who wants more out of life.

    Testosterone & Progesterone
    There is a range of health information booklets available here for free download. Topic covered include conditions such as PMS, menopausal symptoms, infertility, breast disorders, endometriosis and moods changes.

    The Shopping Addiction: A Cure for Compulsive Shopping and Spending to Free Yourself from Addiction
    Shopping is a raging phenomenon among developed countries and has been studied over and over. Sociologists say its a ˜female drive, in an attempt to explain the differences in shopping behavior between men and women. It was said that the same obsession of men over sports can be linked to the way women go crazy on Black Friday sales or on mall openings. But when does shopping stop being a charm and starts haunting you like a curse? Where do you draw the line between recreation and obsession?

    TBI Purgatory: Comes After Being In TBI Hell
    The follow-up to "TBI Hell: A Traumatic Brain Injury Really Sucks." Describes the trials and tribulations of living with a TBI 15 years after suffering the injury. No other book deals with what life may be like for someone that long after suffering a severe brain injury. It's rather humorous also.

    Understand and Curing Depression
    When family or friends are diagnosed with cancer or any other chronic illness, loved ones offer support. Depression is a lonely medical illness, particularly for the afflicted who forgo medical attention and family support. Due to the historical stigmatism associated with the disorder, it remains a silent topic.

    Understanding Anxiety Problems
    This ebook takes a different look at anxiety problems and disorders, including depression. With information on anxiety and panic, the symptoms and treatment it can help anyone looking to deal with these problems.

    Back to Life: You Can Put an End to Migraine Headaches Now!
    Are You Still Suffering From Migraine Headaches?
    What Causes Migraines?
    Is There A Better Migraine Treatment For You?
    Do any of these statements below describe your migraine symptoms?
    - Sharp stabbing pain on one side of your head
    - Chronic headache for several days
    - Waking up with a severe headache
    - Numbness or lightheadedness
    Download this FREE eBook report now to learn...
    - What causes severe migraine headaches
    - The common and the not-so-common migraine symptoms
    - Types of migraine treatments that work
    - Home remedies to bring natural migraine relief

    The 30in90 Weight Loss and Fitness Program
    In The 30in90 Weight Loss and Fitness Program, you will be taken from Day 1 (wanting to do something about the unwanted weight) to day 90 (30 lbs. lighter and in better shape than you could have imagined!). Then, and most importantly, we teach you how to incorporate the secrets of the program from day 90 and on… so you will never go back to where you began. You will learn, step-by-step, exactly what to do on each day of the program’s 4 levels. We teach you where to find motivation, KEEP motivation, and how approaching things the right way doesn’t have to feel like work. The 30in90 Weight Loss and Fitness Program is written by an average guy who was tired of the Hollywood weight loss hype and fluff. The book details the most powerful weight loss secrets available. It is intended for real people with a desire to improve their lives from the inside out.

    Stop Shin Splints Forever
    Stop Shin Splints Forever is a proven step-by-step shin splints treatment program guaranteed to eliminate shin splints once and for all.

    Which Diet is Most Effective
    This Book compares three popular diets: Atkins, Weight Watchers and South Beach.

    Get Slim While You Sleep
    A brand new, powerful technology for achieving permanent weight loss is sweeping across the country right now. Health and diet therapist Deborah Kerslake has shattered the weight industry's code of silence into a hundred pieces. Deborah has revealed the simple steps you must take to shed excess weight in record time, keep it off - and be happy about it. Never before has anyone dared to take on the industry giants and expose the dark secrets behind their failing weight-loss methods.

    Is weight loss easy?
    Weight loss tips and easy to follow diet plans.

    Weight Loss 2011.
    Excellent new book for those who really want to take care of their health and figure. Magazine-like and easy to read, very motivational.

    Fitness Resolution
    Start planning to have excellent health and fitness.

    Beat Fibro and Fatigue
    Dr Shaw's Fibromyalgia and CFS regime is based on critical new research into Metabolic and Cardiac, Lymphatic and Mitochondrial failure. The recovery programme is revolutionary based on a variety of specialist medical areas including Physiotherapy, Environmental Medicine and Biochemistry.

    A Counselor Tests Brain Fitness Tools    (right click and "save target as")
    Author: Michael Logan
    Do Brain Fitness Programs work? Four tested and compared by a mental health professional.

    Steroids Guide For Beginners
    Steroids Guide For Beginners discusses cycles, diet and more.

    The Elite Body
    “Are You Ready To Look Incredible Dressed Up, Amazing In A Bathing Suit, and Irresistable Naked?”
    "Give us 1 hour per week and we'll force 26 of the world's top fitness experts to give up their most powerful fat burning, muscle feeding, body sculpting secrets to create the body of YOUR dreams - even if you've tried everything and failed."

    Colon cleansing news and articles. The latest research suggests longevity depends on intestinal health. Stay healthy for life with safe, natural colon cleansing products.

    Colon Cleanse Your Way To Better Health
    Colon Cleanse Correctly. Discover The Truth About Colon Cleansing & What Really Works.

    The Official Dog Coat and Skin Guide   (right click and "save target as")
    A collection of articles about dog skin care and other health issues for your dog.

    Make Your Dog Healthy
    Make Your Dog Healthy e-book helps dog owners to make their pets more healthy than ever before.

    The Road To Fort Worth
    The book is an inspirational autobiographical novel about the journey to recovery traveled by a man with panic disorder and alcoholism.

    Guide to Help Teenagers to Lose Weight
    Guide to Help Teenagers Lose Weight covers eight psychological issues for teens relating to being overweight, improving their self esteem, advice for helping teens lose weight, some simple rules to follow to help teens lose weight, how to lose weight quicky and safely and more.

    The Anti-Ageing Face Workout System for Men.
    Want to look younger and reduce wrinkles without surgery, expensive face creams or spa treatments? Powerful new facial workout system for men gives you a natural facelift in only minutes a day.

    Surviving Perimenopause
    This ebook is about helping women manage and cope with perimenopause, helping them spot the initial signs and symptoms and giving them answers to questions and concerns they are afraid to ask.

    The PariPlan-Seven Steps To Get Your Child's Weight On Track
    Consisting of a book and companion CD-ROM, The PariPlan provides all the tools and inspiration a busy parent needs to get their child’s weight on track, while building the child’s self-esteem. Developed by a mother who solved the problem in her own family, and reviewed by a pediatrician, The PariPlan works because it’s not a diet. It’s roadmap for parents on how to make lasting changes that will help their child-for life. The PariPlan provides a step-by-step approach, complete with inspirational book, easy software tools, printable activity sheets and more. Arkansas State University Professor Dr. James Farris, P.T., PH.D calls The PariPlan “one of the best resources I have seen for parents to readily use and easily understand. I can't think of any concept from the literature that is related to controlling childhood, or adult, obesity that is not covered by The PariPlan.”

    Burn Fat FAST! Ebook + Audio Program
    Jesse Cannone is a certified personal trainer and author of the best-selling fitness ebook, Burn Fat FAST. Be sure to sign up for his free email course as it is full of powerful weight loss and fitness tips that are guaranteed to help you get the results you want.

    Stop Snoring Secrets.
    Stop Snoring Secrets will most likely solve all your snoring problems. And it will MOTIVATE you to make the easy changes that will most likely stop your snoring.

    Stop Your Child's Bedwetting
    Build a battleplan to stop your child's bedwetting forever! With tips, tricks, and methods for waking up dry - this guide really is the secret tool families use to cure bedwetting.

    Fitness Anti Aging E-Program.
    Fitness Anti-Aging is an incredibly powerful e-program that has the potential to completely change your life. Fitness Anti-Aging techniques work because all of them are scientifically validated. If you Work the program, it will work for you - you simply cannot fail.

    Healthy or Else
    A speculative and satirical short story about the health care industries assuming dictatorial powers in a recognizable near future society. The trends are in play now; the future may not be as far away as you think. Healthy or Else dramatizes on families encounter with the health care regime. Read this free ebook to find out what happens to these good people.

    Ultimate Frozen Shoulder Therapy Guide
    Physical therapist reveals proven treatment for frozen shoulders.

    Sensational Smoothies: Drink Your Way To Health Deliciously
    This is all about healthy homemade smoothies - it is an easy to use guide that includes recipes, ideas and how to's in order for any smoothie lover to enjoy a wonderful drink the healthy way.

    Beyond The Limits, A Self Portrait of my life with Myasthenia Gravis
    An autobiography by Clete Gress telling of his struggle with Myasthenia Gravis and how he learned to go Beyond the Limits of the disease. ISBN: 0964127601

    Beautiful Calm Meditation eBook
    Eight quick and easy ways to enjoy feeling relaxed and calm. Discover how to step away from stress and enjoy greater relaxation in your life starting from today...

    ebooks on Ayurveda
    Published ebooks on Ayurveda.

  • "Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes" is the *New Encyclopedia* of self-help for every prediabetic and diabetic patient.
  • Home Remedies from Ayurveda for Common ailments.
  • Treatments for common diseases with the help of Ayurveda and Yoga.
  • Ayurvedic principles.
  • Basic principles of Ayurvedic Nutrition
  • Losing weight with Ayurveda and Yoga
  • plus more...

    Drug treatment news and articles. Drug treatment has lasting effects with the right approach. Real solutions are available to end the suffering of addiction.

    Natural Cure To Baldness That Works
    A completely natural remedy that's GUARANTEED to cure baldness in men and women. Shows you step-by-step how to stop your hair-loss in it's tracks! - no matter how hard you've tried before. This all natural method will work for you.

    Mediterranean Diet Secrets
    "A Safe And Easy Diet Program That Results In Permanent Weight-Loss And Exceptional Health - FAST!" Dieting ebook based on Harvard research. Brand New Ebook.

    The Weight Loss Revelation
    Every single human being on this planet has a weight overload. This burden is spread over three areas of the human make-up. Discover how to shed this weight and conduct your life with a whole new perspective.

    Weight Loss Dedication Companion
    Powerful Words to Make You Maintain Weight Losing Dedication and Lose Weight Permanently!

    Foolproof 30 Day Diet
    The Fastest Way To Lose Weight - Guaranteed! "The Foolproof 30-Day Diet" is a clear-cut road map for losing fat.

    2 Minute Fitness
    New fitness method designed to achieve astonishing results and show you why everything you tried before never worked.

    How To Overcome Dandruff and Other Scalp Disorders
    Discover how to cure Dandruff, control Dandruff and get rid of Dandruff once and for all. Get tips and tricks you can really use to keep your hair shiny, silky and Dandruff Free!

    Alzheimer's Disease Dementia
    E-book of compiled reports on risk prevention, early detection, delay the start of symptoms, new treatment options.For age 50+

    Real Life Solutions to Children's Health
    Practical and useful information for parents on having healhier children. Some of the topics talked about are: water, food, fats, dairy, supplements, alternative therapies, allergies, ADD, immune problems and more.

    30-Day Quick Diet - for Women
    30 days of delicious, nutritious, fat-melting meals. And every one of the 30 days also features a mouth-watering recipe and a diet tip. Select either a 1,500 Calorie meal plan, or for even faster weight loss a 1,200 Calorie plan. Most women lose 10 to 15 lbs (and more). 116 pages. Published by NoPaperPress.com.

    30-Day Quick Diet - for Men
    30 days of delicious, nutritious, easy-to-prepare fat-melting meals. And every one of the 30 days also features a mouth-watering recipe and a diet tip. Select either a 1,800 Calorie meal plan, or for even faster weight loss a 1,500 Calorie plan. Most men lose 15 to 20 lbs (and more). 116 pages. Published by NoPaperPress.com.

    Nutrition for Better Health
    Learn how to eat to greatly improve your health and appearance. A complete nutrition resource with lots of useful new tables, images - and a lifetime of nutritious health benefits! A great reference you will return to again and again. Available in U.S., metric and U.K. editions. Published by NoPaperPress.com.

    Total Fitness
    This highly praised eBook covers the key facets of fitness - exercise, nutrition and weight control - in depth and with equal emphasis. Learn how to get in shape and stay that way. 157 pages. PhD author. Available in U.S., metric and U.K. editions. Published by NoPaperPress.com.

    Exercise for Better Health
    Learn to workout for maximum benefit. Lear the keys to lifetime fitness. Exercise for Better Health is loaded with unique but easy to apply information, a wonderful reference you will return to for many years. Available in U.S., metric and U.K. editions. Published by NoPaperPress.com.

    A Life Reclaimed
    Sheila was just 26 when she contracted meningococcemia. She was in coma for 8 days but she survived. Gradually, she regained her strength but her limbs remained black and lifeless. Barely a month later, she had to make the most difficult decision in her life - face amputation of her limbs or eventually die from the infection. This is her story.

    Native Natural Remedies - Natural Help for Acute Bronchitis
    An ebook about the causes and treatments of acute bronchitis. Focusing on natural and herbal treatment options.

    Native Natural Remedies
    A large collection of ebooks focusing on health problems and the natural and herbal treatment options.

    3-Week Fat Blaster
    Amy Layne shares her 3-Week Fat Blaster Meal Plan!!! Included in this package is a 7-Day Clean Eating Meal Plan, All Inclusive Grocery List, and Amy's Tips, Tricks, and Lifestyle Advice to jumpstart your weight loss!!!

    A Fat Girl's Ultimate Guide to Thinness and Happiness
    Just what the title promises

    Leadership FITness
    This e-book will unleash fitness tips in every area of your life--physical, financial, and spiritual to name just a few.

    Mind Power Studio
    This success software and ebook includes everything to achieve wealth, health and happiness. Now you too can experience the enormous power of Mind Power Studio, the very latest true, Audio Silent Subliminal Message, Visual Silent Subliminal Message, Binaural Beat and Affirmations suite of software.

    The Quest: Maximizing Health and Wellness Through Spiritual Healing
    The Italian American Press is offering readers a free informative e-text providing a step-by-step guide to health and wellness through holistic living. A primer for those interested in healing, The Quest examines the research and findings relevant to spiritual healing as well as advocating an agenda of prayer, visualization, and meditation for those who wish to experience health and wellness. The Quest encourages one to develop, support, and maintain a healthy body, mind, and spirit by awakening and experiencing God's loving energy, a healing power fully capable of transforming illness and disease into health and wellness. A review in The Wanderer, a leading Catholic publication, refers to The Quest as "...a brightly polished gem of both intellectual and spiritual enlightenment."

    Covert Hypnosis
    Be an expert at the skill of subtle unconscious communication for influencing others. You’ve heard that it’s possible. Maybe you’ve even encountered a person skilled at subtle covert communication. You found yourself compelled to do something without explanation as to why you were doing it. The true masters of communication know the words, phrases, gestures, and timely pauses that can be utilized for fast compliance. Wouldn’t you like to know how to direct that power? Well, influence expert Kevin Hogan, Psy.D. is about to spill the beans...

    Natural Cancer Treatments
    Over 350 natural and alternative cancer treatments. Over 2,000 testimonials.

    Acne Guide.
    By Sufferers For Sufferers. Cure your Acne in under a week.

    The Acne Cured E-Book
    Finally, a proven step-by-step program to cure your acne.

    A Gluten Free Life
    Think different, Act different, Eat different. New ebook reveals how to successfuly live with a wheat and gluten allergy.

    Top Ten Kidney Stone Facts You Should Know
    Free E-Book. Learn About food and drink to stop kidney stone. Home remedies for kidney stone pain. Natural healing of kidney stones. Vegetable home remedy for kidney stones. Kidney stone remedey.

    Naturopathic Remedy For Kidney Stones
    How to end your pain now for good. Learn About food and drink to stop kidney stone. Home remedies for kidney stone pain. Natural healing of kidney stones. Vegetable home remedy for kidney stones. Kidney stone remedey.

    101 Facts about the human body
    Have you ever wondered why children have more bones than grownups? What happens to the bones as children develop into adulthood? This book explains these difficult questions including some which your children may ask which are not so easy to answer.lt provides the most fascinating insight into the human body and is written in very simple language easy to understand.

    Simple Muscle- The Insider Secrets To Fast Muscle Gains
    A complete muscle building and fat burning system that includes everything you need to know about training, diet, lifestyle, supplements and more. Each program is indivisually tailored to your needs.

    How To Improve Your Posture Without Exercise
    Getting a good posture should not involve hard work and exercise. Discover how to get a great posture naturally with the easy-to-follow techniques in this ebook.

    Caregiver's Resource Audio E-book
    The Caregiver's Resource Audio E-book allows you to quickly and easily assess your needs as a caregiver for an aging family member or an elderly loved one. You'll be able to process information and take steps to develop your plan of action. Some of us learn better by simply listening to information and others like to read for reinforcement. The Caregiver's Resource Audio E-book combines these elements enabling you to do both!
    Interactive content
    Over 2 hours of professionally recorded information
    Comprehensive answers to the most common concerns caring for an aging family member or loved one
    Self-help strategies to manage stress and burnout
    160 pages of the Caregiver's Resource Companion Guide including narration scripts, worksheets, assessments etc.
    Printable worksheets and assessments
    Internet links to targeted products, services
    Online resource directory to over 100 professional organizations
    Distributed instantly, allowing you to begin reading at once, without the need to visit a bookstore or await postal delivery

    10 Free Herbal Tea Recipes
    Discover the natural herbal remedies solutions and herbal tea remedies used to treat illness and disease for hundreds of years.

    You can... Serve Savory Chili, and Soups to Your Family and Guests (Recipes and Tips) -- Your Key to Healthy Eating... and S T R E T C H I N G Your Food Budget
    Not "just another recipe ebook". Its unique design features makes this a 'Super' Soup and Chili Recipes ebook, an easy one to browse and use - PLUS... you'll find stunning art work included both within the recipe sections, and in a special 'art gallery'... the beautiful, extremely colorful, custom created expressly for this ebook, paintings of Li Zhang. You'll find one of them on its cover. Her illustrations help transform the ebook into an exciting visual adventure you'll discover will be a joy to own and read.

    Never Tell Them You're Dying
    Dealing with a terminal disease. If you are seeking answers to what you can expect to happen – things like losing your job and having to deal with your “benefits” at work, dealing with the madness that is our health and insurance industry, and dealing with emotions and reactions from those you love and cherish – then explore this ebook and see if we can provide you with a few of these answers before you experience these things for yourself.

    Tips for Surviving Healthcare
    Save money, time and potentially ones life by using knowledge and tips from healthcare insider with 20 years experience. The reader learns to help prevent medical mistakes from happening to them, how to fight back and win over healthcare bill disputes plus time-saving and other medical tips.

    Finally, A Solution For Back Pain!
    Set yourself free from chronic back pain!

    Alzheimers Tips
    A program that teaches people how to provide quality care to individuals with Alzheimer's disease/ memory loss!

    Medication Advisor
    A comprehensive check of drug safety for interactions, dosing problems, conflicts and more.

    Fix My Fungus - Cure Nail Fungus Forever
    The complete guide to curing toenail and finger nail fungus. The easy, all natural remedy for toenail and fingernail fungus... with a treatment that is SO SIMPLE and obvious it will amaze you!

    Cure Jet Lag
    All travelers suffer from some level of Jet Lag. This ebook explains How To Avoid Your Jet Lag! "Automatically, Be Pulled In To Your New Time Zone Immediately After Landing - Without Putting Any Strain On Your Self - And Naturally; Sleep In The Evening, Wake Up In The Morning And Enjoy Meals At The Normal Meal Hours - As If This Had Always Been Your Home ... No Matter How Many Time Zones You've Crossed!"

    Six Meals A Day Diet
    The Six Meals A Day Diet e-book tells you why changing your food consumption style helps tremendously, and shows you how to eat with effective weight loss results. Eating stimulates your calorie burning processes. You lose more weight by EATING than by NOT eating because of foods thermal effects. Six Meals A Day Diet offers you lots of creative, effective, plus enjoyable weight loss tips.

    How to Use Belly Dance to Transform Your Fitness Routine and Emotional Wellbeing
    Belly Dance is a natural, soulful fit for women and can be an exciting way to rejuvenate your fitness and emotional health. This book shows you how Belly Dance offers a remarkable level of freedom from any constraints you may be feeling from your current exercise plan. It also shows you how to get started now "on the cheap’ with a treasure chest of inexpensive or free resources and some stuff you may already have at home. This is the Belly Dance book you have yet to see out there. It takes a refreshing take on the dance written for those with no concept of the dance to those with merely a passing interest or some knowledge. Then it quickly brings you to the next step so that you can reap all the benefits of Belly Dance.

    Weight Loss Hypnotizer
    Train your brain for safe, permanent weight loss.

    No More Dandruff
    Are you looking to find a cure for your dandruff? This is the eBook you've been waiting for.

    Living By Zen (Timeless Truths)
    Discover The 2,000 Year Old Zen Secret Of Staying Calm, Balanced And Positive No Matter What Is going On In Your Life. Now You Can Easily Stop Being Upset, Stressed or Anxious – Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before.

    Top 100 Baby Names
    Method for Finding the Perfect Name for Your Baby. This ebook contains names and their meanings. It will help you know how to make the best final decision on your baby's name!

    Drug Abuse in Scripture (From Whence Hath it Tares?)
    A short synopsis of Drug Abuse according to the Scriptures and other extra-Biblical Writings.

    Quit Smoking...NOW-It's Easier Than You Think.
    A life changing Step-by-Step Quit Smoking Program, no pills, patches, gums, hypnosis or NRT products. Quit Smoking...NOW is easy, painless and it works. Learn how to destroy the nicotine addiction...forever.

    NHS Complaints Managers: A Study of the Conflicts and Tensions in their Role
    This is a groundbreaking study of the conflicts and tensions in the role of healthcare complaints managers. It argues that complaints managers are faced with a fundamental contradiction: they are employees of the complained about organization, yet they are expected to impartially oversee a complaint about it; they are caught between their loyalty to the organization and their duty to the public. Additionally, the study demonstrates that individual complaints managers respond and react very differently to these inherent conflicts in their role. While the study was carried out in relation to the UK National Health Service (NHS), the study is applicable to in-house complaints handlers in a variety of settings, as well as public sector workers who experience similar ethical dilemmas.

    What You Need To Know About Breast Cancer
    This e-book has important information about breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in this country ( other than skin cancer ). Each year, more than 211,000 American women learn they have this disease. You will read about possible causes, screening, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and supportive care. You will also find ideas about how to cope with the disease. Free eBook.

    Zero to Superhero - The Official Superhero Howto!
    Secrets of getting stronger, faster, leaner exposed in this explosive three episode ebook!

    Erectile Dysfunction; ED-What You Can Do About It; Causes, Treatments, Encouraging News
    This brand new ebook on erectile dysfunction brings together the latest traditional, natural, and alternative methods to treating ED. Targeted for the 'average Joe', this book covers risk factors, causes, and the vast number of treatments - many not widely known - for ED.

    Health Secrets Never Before Revealed Until Now
    "Discover the greatest health secrets for restoring your health and feeling FANTASTIC for life!" Shocking & Revealing, this e-book exposes all the lies and misinformation of the medical establishment. Learn empowering health principles for creating endless energy, vitality and youthfulness.

    Discover the Hidden Secret to Long Term Weight Loss that makes all the difference
    After diet and exercise, what else can you do to lose weight? The All You Can Eat Love Diet reveals the hidden secret to long term weight loss that's not being talked about.

    Overcome Diabetes eBook
    Overcome Diabetes - Brand New.
    "Identify the root causes of your diabetes to discover a total cure of type I and type II diabetes.

    I Cured My Arthritis - You Can Too!
    All-Natural Pain Relief And Cure For Arthritis Sufferers.

    The 10 Pillars of Health and Happiness
    Do you want better health, less stress, and more enjoyment out of your life? Are you tired of reading good advice and theories only to be left asking how do I actually do that? This ebook will finally give you practical strategies so you can get the most out of life.

    Alternative Treatments for Incurable Diseases made easy
    Treatments for Incurable Diseases - Brand New. "Natural treatments, without Chemo, Radiation, or Surgery".

    The Truth about Six Pack Abs
    Finally...Discover the TRUTH about how to slash off bodyfat and uncover your own ripped six-pack of abs! No gimmicks, no over-hyped supplements, no long boring cardio routines, and absolutely no fad dieting! Stop wasting time and start training in a more effective way today.

    The IBS Self-Help Program
    A radically new and proven way to beat IBS!

    Suicide Prevention Help - An eBook for Those who are Despairing and Contemplating Suicide
    A free eBook for those who wish to see their depressing and suicidal thoughts and feelings more realistically.

    Become the Journey: A Transformation Guide
    Lose fat and keep it off by embracing a healthy lifestyle through the power of physique transformation.

    5000 year old proven weightloss secrets revealed
    5000 year old proven weight loss secrets revealed. A unique e-book revealing tips and tricks to loose weight using Ayurveda Medicine System.

    You Can Have You Cheesecake & Eat It Too! Fitness Made Simple
    Energize your life! Feel healthy and happy. Feel more energy than ever with this new revolutionary Diet and Fitness Ebook. Make your life easier, spend less money on food, medicine, doctors!

    A Physician's Weight-Loss Secret.
    No-Starving. No calorie counting. Effective, Safe, Drug-Free Weight-loss.

    Permanently Lose Weight (FAT) WITHOUT Supplements or Drugs; Free Personal Training!

    Muscle Mass WITHOUT Supplements or Drugs; Free Personal Training!

    The ABC's of Autism
    An overview of the disorder of autism including diagnostic issues, treatment concepts and teaching ideas. Specific lesson plans are included.

    The SuperFreak Report
    Discover The 7 Secrets to Building Muscle Using Bodyweight Training.

    Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes
    Ayurveda has mentioned 20 types of Diabetes according to 'Dosha' predominance and some of them are curable. Are you fortunate enough to get it cured?
    Know the facts about Diabetes. Find the solutions Ayurveda provides for the cure/control of Diabetes. Learn how with some simple lifestyle changes including healthier diets and physical activity like -Yoga, Yogasana & Pranayama you can decrease your risk of developing diabetes by more than 70%. What are these simple changes in Diet & lifestyle ? This ebook provides right answer to this...

    Depression Freedom
    The Depression freedom eBook describes my own experiences recovering from depression, the book includes detailed information on the different cognitive behavioral techniques I found most useful, my experience with medications, my recommended diet supplements, and my guide to the different conventional and complementary therapies currently available. The book teaches you how to stop rumination, change your beliefs, thoughts and behavior, to better your feelings and improve your life.

    Keeping Your Sanity (in an Insane World).
    You have far more control over the things that happen to you than you realize. Skeptical? Believe it! Get the tools necessary to harness your abilities to their fullest extent. Nationally recognized psychologist Dr. Edward A. Dreyfus examines the unique challenges that face us in contemporary society and provides new, revolutionary approaches to some of the most common -- and commonly misunderstood -- mental and social issues in Keeping Your Sanity (in an Insane World).

    Diabetes: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics
    You or someone you love has just been diagnosed with diabetes. You have a million questions running through your mind, and you need and want current and accurate information. This book is comprehensive. Inside you will find an explosion of information, practical advice, and tips in a colorful, easy to read format. Also included is a glossary of common diabetes terms, insulin to carb ratio charts created by the author, a food log, an oral and insulin medication log, and an annual medical visit log all packed into 61 pages.

    The Sinus Solution
    The Sinus Solution, an ebook reveals the formula for a completely natural nasal spray that eliminates sinus infections, sinusitis, viruses and allergies

    5 Step Personal Power Diet
    Lose Weight Quickly and Safely with this 60 Day On-line Diet Program.

    Losing Weight through Mind Power
    Use your mind power and visualization to help you lose weight.

    Will Power and Self Discipline
    All the information, instructions, guidance and exercises to develop will power and self discipline in a simple, effective way.

    Conquer Add/Adhd
    "Finally! A Comprehensive How-To Manual With Proven Add/Adhd Shortcuts Written By Someone Who's "Beat" The Game (For Him And Others)...

    Simple Guide to Weight Loss and Fitness
    Free ebook from Prosperity Abounds on four easy steps to weight loss and staying healthy including stress reduction, improving digestion, diet and exercise.

    5 Undeniable Rules of Weight Loss
    This FREE ebook could save your life. If you're like most of us you've lost and gained weight like a yo yo. Now you can put a stop to this madness and lose the weight once and for all.

    How I Lost Almost 100 lbs In Less Than A Year
    The author explains is simple diet plan, that make you lose weight rapidly, without carb counting or exercises.

    Beginner to Advanced Workout Program
    52 pages that will take you from a beginner to advanced in as little as 12 weeks. Print it out for the perfect workout guide. Contains 25 different weekly workouts.

    The Weight Loss eBook: Negative Calorie Recipes & Diets
    The Negative Calorie Recipes & Diets - weight loss eBook.

    Lose Weight Now Stay Slim Forever!
    How to lose weight without diets, drugs or surgery even if you have struggled with your weight for years.

    The Amazing Antidiet Diet will show you how you CAN eat better and lose weight by controlling your cravings. You choose what YOU want to eat and there is NO need to count calories.

    90-Day Smart Diet - 1200 Calorie Edition
    90 days of delicious, nutritious, 1200-Calorie meals. No Calorie counting. No meal planning. Over 500 pre-planned meals and snacks. Most women lose 23 to 33 lbs and men lose 35 to 45 lbs - and often more - without feeling hungry. 212 pages of meal plans, recipes, guidance and photos.

    A personal experience in growing locks. Lots of pictures.

    Practical Guide For Home Caregivers
    Guide to help families in need of caregivers and a "How-To" guide for all home caregivers to be the best in this profession.

    Yoga Health Secrets
    Yoga Health Secrets is your comprehensive guide to all the techniques you need for happiness and good health, relaxation, stress-relief, vitality, mental clarity, motivation, self-confidence, creative insight and universal love!

    Simple Steps to Get Huge and Shredded
    Simple Steps to Get Huge and Shredded is a step-by-step bodybuilding and weight lifting program to build muscle and shed fat.

    Empowered Health & Fitness
    Truthful and empowering information about health, fitness, diet, weight loss, nutrition, weight training, supplements and exercise.

    The truth About Nutrition
    How many of you are confused about all the Health information that is out there?
    How many of you want to have more energy?
    Are you ready to let go of confusion and have more energy?
    If you answered, “yes” to these questions then it is time you read this book. By understanding the simple truths about nutrition, you can began taking steps closer to the lifestyle you have always wanted!! Paulsen brings a great new out look on how to stop the confusion about all the conflicting information on the wellness industry. This book is a wealth of information on the latest research with tips on supplements, cleansing, fad diets, and over all nutrition. Learn about fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and find out some Cancer cure secrets revealed from recent studies from South America.

    Healthy Eating and Healing Veggies
    Protect you and your family from disease and virus by learning the healing veggies. Learn what disease they prevent, how to choose, store, and prepare veggies. Heal from your own kitchen.

    The Secret To Permanent Weight Loss
    The Secret to Permanent Weight Loss teaches you how to use Law of Attraction principles to deliberately create your life, choose health and release weight! Finally you can give up dieting for good, move beyond all the unhealthy emotions associated with dieting, and instead create a joy filled, healthy life! You'll learn 4 easy steps to activate the Law of Attraction and how to quickly implement each step with tools and exercises that work! Before you know it, you'll be saying "WOW - look at me NOW!"

    Loose 7 percent weight in 7 days
    Fastest and safest way to Shred that extra weight. Beauty of the diet is that it does not expect you to starve. Besides loosing weight you would feel more lighter and energetic due to detoxification/cleaning effect of body!

    The Negative Calorie Diet (tm)
    The Negative Calorie Diet eBook (Win95/98/2000/Me/XP/NT and Mac)

    Wrap Yourself Slim
    Body Wraps Exposed! Book containing formulas, techniques and process for doing yur own home body wraps at home.

    THM: The Hiller Method
    Lose weight by changing your perception, not your diet. Only $10. Free lifetime support and forum. Resellers:HIGH VOLUME.

    How to Hypnotize!
    No experience necessary! Revealing SECRETS that really work!

    The one low-carb diet that always works
    eBook which allows people to cut corners while losing weight very quickly.

    Get Fit While You Sit
    36 Exercises you can do almost anywhere, anytime.even while watching TV!

    The Gentle Touch for Pain Relief
    Use the Gentle Touch natural method to remove aches and pains.

    500 Years of Natural Health Secrets
    Classic natural health eBooks help people lose weight, gain energy, reduce pain, improve memory, detox, etc.

    Bodybuilding and Steroids with Mick Hart
    Bodybuilding and Anabolic Steroids Information Resource.

    The Science of Success
    Success.it's all in your Mind. At Last! You can be a success.whatever you do! (As heard on the Mike Litman show)

    The definitive guide to anabolic steroids.

    Natural facelift and anti-aging
    Natural Facelift, anti-aging and hair re-growth products.

    The No Bull Collection
    The worlds fastest growing hardcore cult bodybuilding and anabolic steroids magazine.

    How To Know Your Higher Self In 7 Steps
    New Age & Personal Development Book.

    Dominant Power Archives
    Mind Power Books.

    Cure Your Cancer
    Natural Cancer Cures.

    The Weight Loss Lab
    Find out the truth about permanent healthy weight loss for yourself!

    Five Tibetan Rites
    The Five Tibetan Rites offer a simple but highly effective exercise program that improves health and well-being.

    HomeMade Medicine, For Better Health
    Offering the complete health guide to self healing, HomeMadeMedicine shows you how to treat any disease, with herbs.

    Hypnotism Education & E-book Marketing
    Hypnosis e-books and e-book marketing e-books by Wayne Perkins the E-book Marketing King.

    Diet & Fitness Secrets EXPOSED!
    The 12 week diet and fitness formula!

    A Woman's Guide To Better Health & Beauty
    "You don't have to scour the web for hours looking for beauty tips and secrets and vital health information - it's all right here" One comprehensive source you can trust - written just for women. A Woman's Guide To Better Health & Beauty is filled with the latest information, tips, advice and recipes covering important women's issues like skin care, anti-aging, beauty, hair care, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Menopause and so much more.

    Adventures In EFT
    Silvia Hartmann's Best Selling E-Book on EFT.

    Fast, Healthy Weight Loss
    Ebook on Fast, Healthy Weight Loss by exercise Physiologist, Greg Landry.

    A Self Awareness And Emotion Control Guide To Inner Peace and True Happiness.

    Stop Acid Reflux, Naturally, Immediately
    Drugs, Antacids are not the answer. Here's a more permanent solution.

    Supreme Confidence for Self Doubters
    Build confidence and defeat doubt with the Confidenza -supreme tools for supreme confidence.

    Personal Development with Silvia Hartmann.

    OraMedia - Dental Self Sufficiency
    Startling information to root canal alternatives and common sense information on proper, in-home oral health.

    Natural, Safe & Asthma & Allergy Relief
    Freedom from asthma & allergies-a highly effective treatment based on proven research. This info can change your life!

    Lillie's Souper Weight Loss Plan
    Quickly Lose 11 - 45 lbs. No Dieting, No Hunger, No Pills, No Drugs!

    Head Lice Childcare Home Recipe
    Head Lice Alternative Treatment All Natural Home Recipe for relief from heal lice problems.

    The Gluten- / Casein-Free Passover Guide
    Implementing a gluten- and casein-free diet? Passover is the best time to buy GFCF foods. Find out why with this guide.

    Bioterrorism 101
    Natural methods - both ancient and modern - for coping with bioterrorism diseases.

    Past Forward: Past Life Healing
    The Biggest Site on Past Lives, Karma, & Reincarnation You Will Find in this Life!

    The Grape Cure
    Lose weight, feel great, and maybe even heal what ails you with the Grape Cure.

    Sarah Parker Model and Talent Agency
    Start your Modeling Career now.

    Portfolio Perfect Models

    Hair Loss No More
    Information Product About Hair Loss and How To Stop It.

    Make-Up Secrets
    E-book on make-up secrets to help anyone look beautiful.

    Lillie's Souper Weight Loss Plan
    Quickly Lose 11 - 45 lbs. No Dieting, No Hunger, No Pills, No Drugs!

    Easy Health Secrets!
    Learn How To Increase Your Metabolism To Burn More Fat, The Easy, Natural Way!

    The Gluten- / Casein-Free Passover Guide
    Implementing a gluten- and casein-free diet? Passover is the best time to buy GFCF foods. Find out why with this guide.

    how to tap the incredible secret powers
    How to lose weight easily weight loss how to stop smoking how to improve your health cure cancer improve your memory.

    Quick Easy Chinese Vegetarian Cooking
    Easy, healthy, and delicious Chinese vegetarian cookbook package. Complete Chinese vegetarian guide with 400+ pages.

    Amazing Weight Loss Diet Secrets!
    Guaranteed to Work for You or You Pay Nothing! The Safest and Most Effective way of Eliminating Excess Body FAT!

    Fasting, juice fasting, juicing, cooking recipes, nutritional information, weight loss, healthy diet, vegetarian recipe.

    Diet, Health and Fitness Plan
    Diet Plan for Weightloss.

    Let Us Rob Your Waistline
    Powerful Living Weightloss Success Manual.

    Instinct - Master Your Mind & Your Body!
    Learn why there is no such thing as the 'perfect' diet!

    Metabolic Plan
    eBook detailing the Metabolic Plan.

    Complete hunza miracle story.

    Diet & Fitness Secrets EXPOSED!
    The 12 week diet and fitness formula!

    Fast, Healthy Weight Loss
    Ebook on Fast, Healthy Weight Loss by exercise Physiologist, Greg Landry.

    Firm and Flatten Your Abs In 30 Days
    FIRM UP YOUR ABS. Improve your abdominals in just 30 days! Proven program is the perfect way to a thinner waist line, firmer glutes, shapely thighs, toned upper body, while losing body fat and strengthening your back! Great for Golfers and all Athletes. Simple step-by-step plan is just what you or someone you know needs. Download Ebook now and start immediately. FREE GIFTS with purchase.

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