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    How to Organize for the Major Jewish Holidays
    Wish you could be more organized before each Jewish Holiday? Now you can! The Yom Tov Perfectly Organized collection holds your hand through the process of making Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Purim and Pesach, Perfectly Organized!

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    The Last Wave: A Near-Death Experience
    'Terrifyingly, the first wave hit. It came right over me. I was swept away and out to sea in one moment.' 'Then a hand grabbed me! I couldn't believe it! I grabbed back! I was aware that I was feeling a neck. My hand was taken and placed on elastic. Then I died.'
    Jennifer T. Webb accepted drowning as the moment arrived when she knew exactly which last wave was going to take her life. Her spirit was taken to space during a near-death experience. She was forced back into her body by the last wave blasting her underwater. Strangely and miraculously, she was rescued at that very moment!
    When she was resuscitated on the beach, her fight for survival wasn't over yet. Within the next 24 hours, she almost died from secondary drowning. After the intensive care unit for a week, she returned home transformed by a near-death experience and new gifts of spirit healing and energy sight. Chaos and confusion marked her life when she realized how much everything changed. No longer afraid of death, she traveled like a pilgrim, looking for the secrets to life and why she had been made to live again in her body.
    This is the story of the many miracles since her birth, to save her life. She is a survivor of physical illness and childhood abuse. Also addressed is drowning, secondary drowning and the technique she used to stay alive until her rescue. She Includes the directions on how to do spirit healing. After years on a quest for meaning, she regained hope for her future through the blessings of time, faith and perseverance. Her journey exultingly leads her to redemption, wholeness and spiritual peace.

    Select Readings from the Psalms Select Readings from the Psalms: For Family and Private Use
    A comparison of the original Hebrew Psalter (aka: Psalms of David) of the Old Testament with a "revised" version more in keeping with Church of England and/or New Testament values during the Edwardian era in England (the book was published in 1908). Author Joseph B. Mayor was an Anglican Churchman disturbed by the tone of violence and retribution contained in many of the one-hundred & Fifty (150) Psalms.

    Inspirations from Heaven's Gate
    I want to allow God's light to shine through all the broken places in my life. One heart at a time I want to reach the spiritually disconnected and introduce them to Jesus through my writing so living an ordinary life is no longer an option. I want to share my daily struggle to represent God in my everyday life. I want them to realize they are not alone. We are in this struggle together.

    Godly Inspirations for the Troubled Soul
    This book is a compilation of prose and poetry that I have written over the last twenty years. THese are all stories that are relevant to my life and hopefully will bring you as much peace and contentment as they have brought me. All these stories are of a spiritual nature and have helped me define my life as a christian. I will be also publishing a collection of general prose and poetry in the near future.

    Inspirations from Heaven's Gate
    I want to allow God's light to shine through all the broken places in my life. One heart at a time I want to reach the spiritually disconnected and introduce them to Jesus through my writing so living an ordinary life is no longer an option. I want to share my daily struggle to represent God in my everyday life. I want them to realize they are not alone. We are in this struggle together.

    Water Baptism for Children who are Christians
    4-Lesson booklet provides Bible-based preparation for baptism for children who have put their faith in Christ.

    Simple Sermon Outlines
    Straight forward sermon outlines. Straight from the Bible. No stories, no opinions, no commentary. Present the Word of God using your own personal experiences and tailor the outlines to meet the needs of those you serve.

    This short book offers you an alternative way of imagining what and who God is. It has no intent to convert you or dispute your beliefs. Even if you are a devoted religious person, you will benefit from meeting your God dressed up in a more contemporary outfit. The Author holds the view that as we evolve and grow in our understanding of our place in the Universe, it is also of benefit to us to let our ideas about God evolve. It is our human nature to become more, to explore, and strive for freedom and fulfillment. I’d love to have your company to exchange ideas and help one another to reach and tap into God’s inexhaustible, loving Light its Omnipotent Energy Essence. You’ll learn that God has no time for coffee breaks: it has Universes to run. Yet, God is aware of your most insignificant issues, concerns, and is there for you just for the asking. Learn how to live and be with your God I every moment of your life: you do not have to wait for Sunday morning to come about to have your chance. You will also get acquainted with the many roles God plays like you and me; the burning stars in the Cosmos and the billions of galaxies with their billions of stars. They are all nothing but god-play: roles the Omnipotent Energy Essence plays just to amuse itself and share its infinite goodness, love and exuberant energy.

    Deep Doctrines - Briefly Explained
    This book provides a short, concise, easily understood, summary of the Deeper Issues facing Christians today It moves beyond the Milk of the Word and tries to grasp the Deeper Doctrines that the Bible teaches. These difficult Bible Doctrines are examined through the eyes of the Theologians who have devoted their lives to the Study of the Word.

    Of Such Is The Kingdom, A Novel of Biblical Times in 2 parts, 2nd editon
    A powerful blending of stories of seekers who might have lived in the time of the Christ, told with a unique writing style, which combines poetry, straight dialogue and 1st person stream-of-consciousness narrative with the 3rd person narration. In 33 A.D, a cynical, non-conformist salesman, a disgruntled blacksmith, and a musing mendicant all seek something better. The non-conformist, is Herod=92s foster brother, whom Herod hires to prepare an insurrection against his untrusted rival Pilate. Manaheem picks the blacksmith, Barabbas, as leader, to the dismay of Barabbas' Godly but fearful wife. The mendicant, a young man, joins with an older beggar, completely unsympathetic to his musings. Meanwhile, Pontius Pilate sees himself as a weak ruler, but his wife pushes him to be stronger and to even take over Herod=92s kingdom. The novel covers the insurrection against Pilate, a robbery, and the events leading up to the Crucifixion. There is even a flashback to the visit of the Magi.

    Uncommon Grace: Saved for a purpose
    This is a true story of unusual grace, extraordinary mercy and undiluted faith. It was an uncommon grace, a rare favor, an unexplainable mercy and blessing that transcends human reasoning. It was not an everyday grace and was not for everyone; it was just for a chosen, blessed, special and privileged young man. He came face-to-face with death on that fateful day in October, 2002. In this simple, short and inspiring book, =91Wale Akinwumi and Juddie Passion reveal the faithfulness and unparalleled love of the purpose driven God; His abundant mercies and uncommon grace.

    Living By Zen (Timeless Truths)
    Discover The 2,000 Year Old Zen Secret Of Staying Calm, Balanced And Positive No Matter What Is going On In Your Life. Now You Can Easily Stop Being Upset, Stressed or Anxious – Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before.

    Israel Revealed
    Discovering Mormon & Jewish Insights in the Holy Land. This e-book is about the ancient and modern people of the land of Israel. It reveals facts and legends about the Holy Land that sometimes come together with surprising insights. Come inside and feel the spirit in the Holy Land with Daniel Rona and also see some spectacular photo-art by LDS photographer, Don O. Thorpe.

    The Nuts & Bolts of Meditation
    A step-by-step guide to understand and practice, this e-Book removes the mystery and puts you in the driver's seat!

    Hours of Pure Gold
    This ebook is dedicated to inspiring and motivating individuals to find their true purpose in life. True stories of successful motivational speakers who gives practical philosophies and proven techniques for anyone to reach their dreams and goals. It s author is a Christian whose purpose is to spread the good news of God s love for mankind. The ebook is also a fund raiser to support needed services and programs in the local community. The ebook is sold through a website which also offers a two-tier affiliate program.

    The Origins Of Christianity
    The complete factual information on the true Christian church established by Jesus Christ. Plus Much more. Clickbank Only!

    The Blessing That Makes Rich
    Explains in simple terms how and why God prospers his children in the earth.

    The Havaya Express
    Mankind's dire imminent future as explained from Judaism's Biblical Prophecies. Simply a must read for any student of futureology. Nine short chapters showing you how to survive what is ahead.

    Pastoral Counseling - Watch & Learn
    Body Language Skills to Help You Help Others.
    Gestures are more than just arbitrary movements. They are in fact a varied form of communication that routinely transcends the boundaries of conscious thought. With this in mind, we can easily see how beneficial it would be for a counselor to be able to accurately interpret the “words” that are being spoken by someone who may not be fully aware that they are actively communicating anything at all.
    If you can learn to read these signs... you can more effectively help others to help themselves.

    If you want people to accept your tracts, always greet them pleasantly "Hi," or Good morning." gospel tracts After the greeting, say, "I Have Good News For You!"

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